Wednesday, May 5, 2010

16 Days...

...since our last post.

I'm too attractive for this...don't you agree?

You're the most attractive person I know! XD

Wait...RED? A-a-attractive?!? But he has so little mass, I barely even felt his gravitrons when I was standing right next to him!

My wavicles are just so much stronger than yours, deal with it.

Pew-pew!! ima firin' my gravitronzzz...

Now while RED may be un-noticable, at least he is not like his mom, who is so big you can feel her gravitational attraction from across the galaxy...


Looks like he JUST CAN'T TAKE IT.

lololol I bet he will have to "get" back at me on a certain day of the week coming up...

Whatever the case may has been so boring since Dallas...y'all.'s been sixteen days.........sixteen dayssssss

What've we missed? There was...a dance. That no one went to...

...Not much missed there. Hey we also started Romeo (called Ro-emo by some for certain failish tendencies) and Juliet (who hasn't gotten any clever nicknames...yet).

Si! Pues, hoy es cinco de mayo. (lo siento a todas las personas de frances o japones), porque nosotros comemos MUCHA COMIDA, por ejemple, pasteles, tortillas, y cosas. Ah, yo recuerdo, AZUL y VERDE no estan en espanol dos, simplemente son UNOS, que embarazada.

*Thumbs nose*

Hey ROJO I understood what you said there. You can't keep anything from me...even if we are in the most fail spanish class ever. Thou shalt expire within the confines of a pit!

It wilt be doneth on thy favorite day of the week.

Resign not thy day gig, thou saucy, motley-minded knave.

Comedy does not suit thee well. Carry on!

Wherefore we go'est on? Ne'er a time better for departure is now.

Prithee, he is right. Get thee hence!


and GREENvolio
[They exit]


  1. Um, guys, embarazada/embarasada means pregnant... lol "They are just in spanish one, how pregnant!"

  2. he knows that, its an inside joke
