Sunday, May 23, 2010


You... The viewers... Have been with us every step of the way. NOW, it's time to award those who are truly deserving...the truly dedicated...the truly AWESOME...

Presenting... the First Annual TriplePerspective Yearbook Awards, with your hosts: Myself, BLUE

The one, the amazing, the... GREEN,

And last but not tallest, the 1/2, the only...RED

Just to be clear, we DO NOT ACCEPT BRIBES OF ANY KIND.

...Only... "donations"...

The 2009-2010 Annual TriplePerspective Award Ceremony will take place officially on Saturday, May 29th. Expect regular sporadic posts from now until then.

Royal RED
Benevolent BLUE
and GREEN the Great


  1. OMG OMG OMG I'm so excited its gonna be amaaazing!

    GREEN should win the "Best Blogger Ever" Award, because, well (not to sound redundant or anything) he is the best blogger EVER.

  2. Cool, Jennie should get a "READER OF THE YEAR" award. :D

    And tomtoms should get "BEST BLOG OF THE YEAR" award. XD
