Monday, March 8, 2010

A day late...

...and a dollar short.

Who you callin' short?

Whatever the case may be... we're back! Didya miss us? Some of us, maybe? This is our first post CHAT-STYLE.

In case you were wondering though, we weren't entirely kidding about the dollar short bit. Donations are accepted at the front desk.

What. Are. You. Talking. About. Today, I looked over at Lydia. I smiled. She smiled. We looked over at Jennie. She started laughing. We all knew what was going to happen next (cheek pinching), and I ran away. But that's me and my boring life. Continue.

Ummm...ok...GASP guess what happened today! A certain Korea documentary group presented today in second period!

There was epic cover art (and less important aspects of the project) involved...

There was also a certain teacher sending emails while "watching" it.

*Sniff* well we got a good grade :D Happy day... BLUE (who will now be referring to himself in third person) really liked the music. QUESTION OF THE DAY: (answer in the comments) what was your fav part about the documentary unit?

I liked the cover art.... Wow now I even sound pretentious to myself. omg. Let's change I liked the whole thing I guess (is that better?)

BLUE wants us to post out of order. How un-orderly would that be? Very unorderly.

Poor GREEN, has to edit RED's mistakes cuz he's typing it up... :P BLUE still has LA HW and thinks that we should wrap it up for the night...

GREEN doesn't understand why BLUE is talking in third person. I like this much better.


Whatever the case may be...


ummm ok...neerG

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