Monday, March 15, 2010

Epiphinacious Epiphination

Not another pun post. Please.

Sigh, today was so epiphinaciously epiphinated, that I can't even begin to describe how epihinated I feel after all those epiphinatingly epiphins I epiphinated...

HAHAHAHA I don't know why that's so funny...Not bad for a Monday...XD
I have decided not to do his HW until tm, where I will be FORCEFULLY dragged to zero period up at the highschool. EVEN THOUGH THEREZ NO PHYSICS. sigh...I'm jealous of everyone who is sleeping in...

Whatever the case may be, we haven't been able to post for a couple days now. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ALL SHOULD STOP READING THIS (of course saying that won't help because if you got that message you are reading this already) ...hmm

GREEN, that post was epipihinating.

Me, epiphinacious? What has this world come to? Next thing you know, evey person right and left will be making their own blogs! I shudder at the thought. Good thing we're not like those people, right RED?


Hey you skipped me! GASP. Anyway, we can pride ourselves on being original...ish

We'll go with that.


That one primary color you all love
HAHA guess who's not a primary color?
Primary or not, GREEN still gets the last word.


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