To our bloggy.
Guess who's the 1/2?
I ALMOST didn't notice him...
I, am known as RED, you may call me cool... or short, take your pick.
We are "WORKING" ON OUR DOCUMENTARY. GASP, right? Oh, I'm BLUE. If you didn't figure that out. AHHH GREEN is trying to steal the computer....
I mean seriously---first he types like three sentences, and then he reveals my name before I get to?!?!? geez.
That guy above me, he sounds like a fool, agreed? I think I might "get" him by a certain day of the week...NAH.
Sigh... I'm feeling BLUE today.... or maybe BLUE
Anyway, as the awesomely named title states, this is supposed to be a Welcome (or Velcome, take your pick) post. that would imply that this is the part where we introduce the blog. Guys?
Just look at that dry humor. Evidently so, I shall deem myself cooler than GREEN. Closure, anyone? NAH.
Wow. RED has a special color for NAH. hahaha... i drank sprite zeeeeeeeero. i'm on ASPARTAME high. o, aspartame causes california. so, not going there any time soon...
Guys? Guys? geez... Well then. As BLUE and RED seem to be too distracted in insulting me and/or discouraging ventures into california, I will introduce us. We are at the moment doing an experiment in triple (two and a half-el?) blogging...we'll see how THAT goes.
*sigh*, the sheer unfunnyness of GREEN and BLUE pains my heart. You want to know what else pains my heart? I'll tell you. NAH.
Hi this is BLUE being skipped for GREEN's awesomeness...
:D!..... RED is too mean to me/us. Mainly me. ...Continuing, basically whats going on here is we essentially have these conversations, loosely disguised as "posts," that may or may not (hint:not) have a point...
I'm hurt. The end. (We might actually post about our lives). NAH.
Woah, I'm gone for a minute and everything falls apart. I was actually WORKING. HEY didya notice??? I'm using VERDANA 11pt!!!! Jensen would be proud. Well, I think we're done here for the night. Let's WORK guys...
Reeeeeeed. Hearts
geez. (Green)
Redmond Junior High
Honors World History I-period 2